“Working with Sofia and functional diagnostic nutrition changed my life.”

-Carrie Reinage

Sofia is a champion and treasure trove of knowledge. She is very comprehensive with her diagnostic skill and recommendations. As a client, if you apply even a fraction of the insights she offers, you will feel stronger, lighter, more capable and just plain happy.

She saved my life.

-Darla Cash, Texas

Working with Sofia and functional diagnostic nutrition changed my life. I had been living in considerable joint pain and I thought it was because I was getting older. Through the diagnostic tests and Sofia's expert guidance, I came to understand that my issues were dietary, something I could control. I have since upgraded my diet and I no longer live in daily pain. Since our initial work together in 2019, I have consulted with Sofia on a number of other health issues and have found her to be generous with her time and lots of knowledge for me to consider. Health is one's first wealth, and getting clear on one's nutritional foundation is a fundamental step in well-being. You can trust Sofia as your guide.

-Carrie Reinage

I'm extremely pleased to say that Sofia Wilt guided me on a path to total wellness in just a few months, following a decade of struggling without answers! Using a pressure-free, warm approach that put me at ease, she used her vast knowledge to target my specific triggers and was able to get me to commit to dietary restrictions I previously thought would be impossible for me. I highly recommend her services as both an alternative to allopathic medicine and as a support alongside conventional approaches.

-Jessica Young, Michigan

I was no stranger to alternative healthcare modalities when I met Sofia. I have been blessed with the quality of life benefits brought by healthcare alternatives for over two decades. However, Sofia brought to me a refreshingly reassuring and substantiated approach. Sofia is extensively data-driven and has a gift of meticulous investigation of information. For the past two months, I have learned so much from Sofia about things I had never known to affect my health. She shows me test results that give undeniable indications about my body, then presents nutritionally-based solutions to my fundamental health issues. Her solutions are always backed up by loads of information. What a breath of discovery and a depth of education for me. Thank you, Sofia.


My lack of a long diatribe of pedestal worthy attributes in regards to my FDN-P Sofia Wilt, in no way reflects my admiration and thanks in her literal rescue of my health in 2017 and continued support through this day.

After pathetic mistreatment/diagnosis treatment compounding my conditions by western practitioners(4) that simply lacked the testing and resources affecting the gut biome, if not for her intervention, I believe I would not have survived the multiple pathogens and health issues that had rendered me non-functional in my personal and professional life.

Either by the diseases or my own hand. I couldn't perform simple household functions or work.

Fast forward and today I am returned to better than previous condition in some ways and can sleep regularly which had been reduced to an hour a night at best for months.I was losing my mind literally.

I cant express my thanx enough except to forward her contact to so many people I am now learning are also affected gravely by our rapidly deteriorating environment and toxic food supply. You will not find a more compassionate but straight forward information resource. She will give you the most up to date cutting edge hands on guide to a better life through nutrition if you are willing to make changes.

Much more available council than the month-long waits for appointments when you need help TODAY!!!

Telephone consults and even supplements from her personal supply were not rare if she felt they were urgent. Also testing to find root causes on a DNA level not offered by the "band-aid the symptoms" western medicine big pharma mafia. 5-star rating all the way!

- Keith E. Gills, Virginia

It’s hard to put into words how beneficial the work that Sofia is doing for people. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle, yet through working with Sofia have discovered so much about my health and nutrition. She is an advocate for helping her clients live an optimal life. Her approach is really well rounded when it comes to health, there’s no one-answer approach. She gives you all the information you need to understand really what’s going on, as she’s uncovering it herself. She is so detailed, I’ve never received so much information from any other practitioner. This has been the best discovery and is worth every penny. I seriously wish everyone could utilize her knowledge.

-Coral Schiller

Working with Sofia has taken my health, and the well-being of my whole family, to the 'Next Level'.

We got different labs done for our children and my wife and I, and received individualized interpretations of the results, with personalized recommendations for dietary adjustments, supplements, and detox protocols. 

Since I learned about the precious Gem that is her offering, I have referred multiple clients and friends to her, and all reported tremendous benefits to their health and vitality.

Her knowledge of the human body is superb. There are minute and subtle processes at work in our cell's metabolism, our detox pathways, our immune responses, etc. Too much of one mineral can cause deficiency of another. There are many levels to our biology; the DNA, the Mitochondria and cell functions, the vitamins and minerals, the hormones and neuro-transmitters, up to, of course, the macro nutrients of proteins, fats and starches.

It is very helpful to have a guide on this journey toward well being. Sofia is compassionate and caring, and a great communicator, so I feel empowered and more educated myself as a result of my work with her.

The world today is so full of challenges to our health, it is quite sobering. Especially when one has the responsibility to take care of little one's well-being. There are heavy metals in the water, plastics in the ocean, poison pesticides sprayed just about everywhere. Many products are made from toxic materials, and even food that is labeled 'organic' has been found to contain poisons. Not to mention EMF radiation (E-smog), mold toxicity, and the list goes on and on.

It could be depressing, but Sofia instills in us this optimistic, yet realistic empowerment. She keeps up-to-date with all the concerns to our health today, and is well-informed on the most effective protocols for navigating the complex and challenging environments we live in toward optimal health to our biology, and, from this place, a thriving spirit.

Working with our kids was especially challenging, as many inflammations, toxins, and infections were found in the lab works. Sofia spent hours researching the lab results, like pieces of a puzzle. Consulting other practitioners from around the world through online forums when she did not know enough about a certain result. It is not a one-time cure, but a continuous process of unraveling, eliminating, strengthening, and finding the most harmonious solutions to each individual's particular situation. 

I have the honor and pleasure to know Sofia for a few years, and not only is her practice of functional nutrition has earned my great respect, it is also her personal practices of life. She is a very well rounded and balanced person. I witness her exercise regularly, spend time in deep meditation regularly, and doing her work in the world with joy and passion.
She is a true friend and an awesome practitioner, and I can't recommend her services enough. 

-Yoav Melamed, Hawaii