DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) is the gold standard for reproductive and adrenal hormone testing and is superior to blood or serum tests as it includes metabolites which reflect hormone utilization and patterns. There are seven versions of this test which include different panels and markers (see website). This home test kit collects urine and sampling is done at various times of day it gives a more complete understanding of one's status and needs. This is a great lab for both men and women, specifically for those wanting to understand their fertility, menstrual irregularities, peri and menopausal issues, low libido, fatigue, weight issues, insomnia and more.

Website : https://dutchtest.com/

At-Home DUTCH test

Find out what’s causing your health problems with the safe and easy at-home DUTCH test. 

If you are experiencing bloating, headaches, mood swings, decreased sex drive, fatigue, or depression, you might have a hormonal imbalance or adrenal fatigue.

Discover the root cause of your symptoms with the Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones.  


In this video Marc Newman founder and president, DUTCH test by Precision Analytical, e,